Friday 2 September 2016

Anthony Tata is Born Into Rich History of Virginia Colony

With an economy which depended upon both lands wrenched from the original Native Americans and plantation slave labor, the colony of Virginia in the New World of the North American continent grew rich from exports of tobacco, cotton and lumber in the 1600’s, long before the birth of Anthony Tata in Norfolk.

Norfolk, Virginia, the birth city of Anthony Tata, is located at the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay, the large natural harbor which welcomed the first colonists of the New World. Norfolk is historically a military and transportation center. Norfolk is the home of a NATO Strategic Command Center, the corporate headquarters of the Norfolk Southern Railway and the Maersk Line, Limited, railway and marine transportation monoliths, and an extensive network of highways, bridges, tunnels and bridge-tunnel complexes. Norfolk was christened when original resident Adam Thoroughgood from Norfolk, England was granted a land holding along the Lynnhaven River in 1636, and suggested it be named for his birthplace in the Old Country. England would rule over Norfolk for the next 168 years, until American revolutionaries would take over the town government at the inception of the American Revolution.

When the soil of the Tidewater area of Virginia was exhausted from tobacco cultivation for decades, the farmers of Anthony Tata’s native Virginia began to move to western Virginia, Kentucky and Tennessee, while legislators in Virginia made attempts to abolish slavery despite the demand for slaves from cotton plantations in the Deep South.

Virginia made some attempts to phase out slavery, and manumissions had increased in the first two decades after the Civil war. Economics have always driven the native state of Anthony Tata, and although Thomas Jefferson Randolph gained passage of an 1832 resolution for gradual abolition of slavery in the state, by that time increased demand from development in the Deep South created a large internal market for slavery. Invention of the cotton gin in the late 18th century had enabled the profitable cultivation of short-staple cotton in the uplands, which was widely used. Norfolk itself witnessed the first sea battle between ironclads, the USS Monitor and the CSS Virginia, directly before the city was surrendered to the Union and held in martial law for the rest of the Civil War. Many former slaves took refuge in the city, where they gained schooling long before the end of the conflict.

The world’s largest naval base, the Naval Air Station Hampton Roads, was established at Sewell’s Point in 1917 in Norfolk, Virginia, where the multi-talented Brigadier General Anthony Tata would be born in 1959. The strong and historic link between Norfolk and the American military was likely a strong influence on the young A.J. Tata as he grew up, the son of school teachers and strong community service advocates.

Thursday 14 July 2016

Anthony Tata - The Grueling Condition That Is PTSD

Anthony Tata is a retired U.S. Army Brigadier General combat veteran and as such, has valuable inside knowledge on helping soldiers dealing with post traumatic stress disorder. While he himself did not suffer from this condition, he knows various combat veterans who had to deal with this grueling problem.

It’s important to understand that anyone can suffer from this disorder. While most people hear about this condition as something that mostly involves members of the army, you can develop it after any kind of high-stress situation. At first, this condition can be hard to understand from the outside.

When a person you know turns into someone you are not familiar with, it can be a shock to anyone involved. When this happens and there is a chance that it could be PTSD, it is important to not show hostility toward that person. They are not doing what they are doing to be mean or threatening, they simply suffer from extreme stress that took a tool on their psyche.

PTSD basically means that the nervous system cannot get out of this constant state of alertness. If you feel your loved one could be suffering from PTSD, it is important to seek professional help as soon as possible. Anthony Tata, a former army veteran emphasizes the importance of this process. No one can deal with PTSD alone, which makes the therapy all the more important. In some cases, getting a therapy dog is recommended, and can offer a tremendous help throughout the healing process.

Thursday 7 July 2016

Anthony Tata - The Work of the Joint Improvised-Threat Defeat Agency

Anthony Tata knows a thing or two about soldier safety issues. As a combat veteran himself and the former Deputy for Operations in the U.S. military organization called Joint Improvised-Threat Defeat Agency, he saw first-hand how much effort it takes to reduce the threats military men and women had to face on a daily basis. What makes these IED threats so dangerous is a complicated issue of course.

The first reason is the sheer number of IED’s in Iraq and Afghanistan. The other factor is the nature of these extremely dangerous devices. Their unconventional construction often makes them harder to spot, and of course the disarming process can also be problematic or sometimes borderline impossible. This is not because these devices are sophisticated, it is actually the opposite.

Here, you don’t see blue, green and red cables, nor there are switches in the vast majority of cases. These bombs usually consist of an artillery shell and a single wire. They are designed to detonate when a soldier or a vehicle goes by. As a result, the Joint Improvised-Threat Defeat Agency made sure that the plan was to reduce the number of those deadly devices by attacking enemy bomb making networks and cells and better protecting deployed troops.

The idea was to significantly reduce the number of these devices during the late 2000’s. This not only happened, but the result of the joint effort was a 70% decrease. The organization – including Anthony Tata – deserved a lot of credit for this work, being able to lower the combat associated risks for themselves and their fellow soldiers in Iraq.

Thursday 30 June 2016

Anthony Tata - The Business Aspects of Writing a Book

Anthony Tata didn’t really know how successful his Jake Mahegan book series will be, but Anthony Tata was determined to create a character that could blossom into somebody intriguing. Once the success of the first book, Foreign and Domestic became apparent, he had to deal with the business side of becoming a successful writer.

Many people think that getting results will mean less work, but most of the time it is actually the exact opposite of that. When you are trying to build up something, you don’t really know if it will be successful or not. They say that the best books are not written for the readers, they are written for the writer. You never really know what could be a success, but once it hit, you will have no choice but to continue it.

The main financial aspect that comes up with a successful first book is long-term business value. You have found something valuable that people loved, the next logical step is building on it. The money you get for the first book becomes your investment. You are doing research for the sequel, putting long hours into developing additional characters. You want your second book to be even better.

This requires financial sacrifices and of course if you self-published your first book, you start to think about finding a publisher, a company that has a history of reaching readers. AnthonyTata did just that, managing to build on the success of his first book with his second title in the Jake Mahegan series, Three Minutes to Midnight, and two more books from this series will be published in 2017.


Wednesday 22 June 2016

Anthony Tata - Tips For Aspiring Writers

Anthony Tata is a successful novelist who can already boost one best-selling novel with several upcoming titles that will have a chance to do similarly well. While Anthony Tata's unique career arch is not necessarily something that can be reproduced (he is kind of a renaissance man), he has valuable tips for aspiring writers that could help any spirited enthusiast to reach their novelist goals.

Anthony Tata The first thing you have to understand is the importance of reading. In fact, the best thing an aspiring writer can do is to not just simply read the books, but to examine and evaluate them. This process is not about trying to find errors, though if you can find real errors in what is considered to be a masterpiece that could be a skill on its own. The ability to critique things – if it happens organically – can be a valuable tool.

Still, what makes this process so crucial is the fact that it will give you experience. The other aspect of course is inspiration. Nothing can inspire a beginning writer as much as a good story. We are not talking about potentially borrowing certain elements of a book, but being inspired by them. You let the clues lead to your personal treasure chest, in which you will likely find your very own stories.

Anthony Tata visited interesting places to meet interesting people, inspiring him to create his own works of art. But you don’t have to lead a similarly interesting life to find your own characters. These characters will be everywhere you go, all you have to do is listen to them.

Thursday 2 June 2016

Anthony Tata - Top Rules for Writing Fiction

Writing good fiction is no easy task. Just ask Anthony Tata, a national bestselling author of thriller novels. While writing a compelling story that engages readers is important to writing fiction, there are a number of rules that one should follow to produce good fiction and ensure your writing gets published. Here are some of the top rules for writing fiction.
  • When you are writing dialogue, never use a verb other than ‘said.’ Any other word is intrusive and can cause the reader to stop dead in their tracks.
  • Avoid using adverbs to modify the verb ‘said.’ This can distract the reader and interrupts the flow of the exchange.
  • Avoid using too many exclamation points. The rule of thumb is to have no more than two or three for every 100,000 words of prose.
  • Prologues can be annoying, so avoid them at all costs.
  • Try to avoid long, detailed descriptions of your characters.
  • Avoid going into a lot of detail describing places and things. They can quickly bring the action of your story to a halt.
  • Read your work aloud. This will help you identify spots in your story where the rhythms of the sentence may not be working.
It is important to keep in mind that the only way to write a book is to actually sit down and write. If you write with enough confidence and assurance you can do whatever you like. So write your story that needs to be written and write it honestly. Anthony Tata has been writing for several years and has six fiction novels under his belt, with ‘Three Minutes to Midnight’ being released in April 2016.

Monday 23 May 2016

Anthony Tata - Ways to Use Social Media to Launch Your Book

In years past, book promotion relied heavily on the traditional press and its success hinged on getting the right publication to review it. Today, authors, like Anthony Tata have an incredible advantage; along with millions of bloggers, social media networks allow audiences to share their thoughts with their friends through a simple click. Here are some simple techniques for using social media to help your book go viral.
  • Give away the first chapter of your book as an immediately accessible PDF and embed a retweet button throughout the chapter. This allows people the opportunity to easily share what they’ve read with friends on Twitter.
  • You can make it easy for people to share your book with friends by creating a ‘Spread the Word’ page on your book promo site.
  • Get people excited about your book by designing a Facebook photo contest. Participants simply have to take a creative photo with the words “Help me Launch.”
  • Add social share buttons to your web page. These buttons allow people to share your page on social media.
  • A fun way to get people talking about your book is by leveraging photos on your Facebook page.
As an author, you can do amazing things with social media with a little bit of creativity. Like Anthony Tata, you no longer have to rely on the traditional press to have a successful book launch.